Alternatives To The Project

  1. “The No Build Alternative”. No new construction, everything will be basically left as is.
  2. “The TSM Alternative”. Definition-Transportation Systems Management---In this project the existing bus system would be improved by increasing bus service and improving the bus stops. It would require very little construction and would leave the street unaltered.
  3. “The SR 60 LRT Alternative”. Definition- LRT Light Rail Train. Would be a Light Rail Train , which would be constructed along the 60 Freeway to El Monte or beyond. This project was rejected and cancelled.
  4. “The Washington Boulevard LRT Alternative”. This is the proposed construction of the Washington Boulevard Light Rail Train(See Project Map). It will cost taxpayers $1.7 billion.It was this project that was fraudulently supported by the Metro Board.
  5. "The Build Light Rail Trains Only Along Freeways Alternative". The two Freeways in the area are the 60 Fwy and the 5 fwy. Let Metro get more bang for its bucks and help take congestion off these Freeways. It's a no brainer.
  6. "The Let Metro Put The Light Rail Trains On Existing Rail Road Tracks Alternative". There are two rail Road track lines in the area that go from West to East and one that goes from North to South and it already connects to the other two lines.